Squirrels. Machines. Weird children. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. A blob of a man. A skeleton inside of an egg fed to said man. Sex. Snails. A piano made of pig heads. Singing urinals. A labyrinthine imaginarium that is equal parts fun house and house of horrors. These are just a few of the very odd things that you will find inside Rickheit's The Squirrel Machine.
The story is set in a fictional New England town in the 19th century. It follows the relationship of the Torpor brothers, a truly strange pair, who make music out of elaborately grotesque instruments. But it is also a story about the people who are in their orbit, like the Pig Lady.
Rickheit channels Terry Gilliam, Tim Burton (think Edward Scissorhands and Pee Wee's Big Adventure era) and not a little bit of Henry Selick.
Check out The Squirrel Machine website if you want to acquaint yourself with the graphic novel: http://www.squirrelmachine.org/

(Click here to purchase The Squirrel Machine)
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